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My Friend: Duane Bugg

By October 12, 2020No Comments

In December 2019, our dearest friend, Duane Bugg was diagnosed with Stage IV Colon Cancer… This came as a complete shock to him, his family and friends.  At 34, Duane Bugg is facing the battle of his life.  


I wanted to have my dood on, to share his journey so far… At the same time I wanted to promote his GoFundMe Page. 

As you can imagine, this condition will not only take a physical toll on Duane, but will also bear a huge financial burden. I started his GoFundMe page to rally all of the people whose lives Duane has touched and WILL touch. Together we can help my brother with the financial stress that comes with chemo and his long road to recovery.

Sit back, relax and get to know my brother… Duane Bugg.

Please visit the link below and if you can help in anyway, thank you.

Thank you for your support and LOVE!!! 


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